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Brainwrap Comics, Page Four

01 March 2004

I can't apologize enough for the fact that there will be no new page this week.

My job, nightmare that it is, had me bogged down and out of town; then, my car got broken into and towed, which cost me $700; Friday was my birthday and I had to celebrate (you understand).

In the meantime, I've relaunched improvinovels over at Human Cartoon. If that means nothing to you, make sure you read the introduction.

17 February 2004

A couple days late, but it turned out nice.

Other webcomics I regularly visit:

Radioactive Panda

White Ninja Comics
Dinosaur Comics at quantz.com
a softer world.

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Look, ma!  No rulers!
no rulers were
employed during
the making of
this comic


Images, Characters and Whatnot Copyright © 2004 kyle thiessen